Sunday, June 12, 2011

My Foot

So back in January I busted my foot. I was performing at a show and while the comedian before me was finishing up, I went to the restroom. To get to the stalls you go up a small, winding staircase. To get back to the show room, you walk down those stairs. I, instead, fell down them. It was like the stairs turned into a slide mid-step. After cursing up a storm, I, still on the floor, opened the door and found another comic there. I asked him to tell the host that I couldn't go on stage at that time. The other comics helped me up and I wondered in my foot was broken. After icing it for about 20 minutes, I went on stage, cause I'm a champ.

Anyway, it turns out the top of my foot has soft tissue damage, which I'm told is worse than a break. For a while I was in a horrific looking boot which drew a lot of unwanted attention from strangers. This last 6 weeks or so I've felt like my foot was finally almost healed. I started going to the gym again, and wearing heels (short heels, but heels at that).

Tonight at work, my foot hurt so bad I didn't know how much longer I could walk. I'm actually up in the office icing my foot right now! It's just really annoying because I'm trying to make a healthy life style for myself and lose weight (I added 13 pounds to my unnecessary weight because I couldn't work out for about 5 months). Ugh, I guess I'll have to try harder with the dieting. Boo.

This is my foot the night I fell back in January

This is my foot tonight, swollen!

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